Lorain County government is a mess. Leaderless, operationally and bu dgetarily. Fifty years of one-party rule and commissioners elected without the necessary skills and resumes have created our own Lorain County swamp. It is not the staff and frontline workers for the county. It is the leaders and middle management that have been selected politically without regard to ability. Past commissioners, and some current, go around their directors and try to manage the staff, leaving them unsure who they should respect and listen to.
Add to that, a total lack of vision on how to deliver the services taxpayers want and need, and a staff plan to deliver them. No plan to deliver a comprehensive quality government that serves all constituents. Add to that, a total backward budget process. Once each department creates its budget, it is padded with slush funds to be held in reserve for future needs—mostly to buy votes. Today the budget is running approximately $8 million in the red. The carryover is largely Biden government bailout money, our federal tax dollars—borrowed-- due to run out in 2025. Then what?
SOME THINK the campaign is to fight one commissioner or help another. It is more basic than that. Voters, Lorain County taxpayers, came to the polls to make the change—serious change. They did not get what they voted for. After six months, infighting created a situation that largely unraveled the early progress. The remaining commissioner from the monopoly control of the last 70 years took advantage of a populist, vulnerable commissioner to return to the old ways and then some. It has become obvious the rest of the old regime must go to return to making real change. Riddell for Commissioner is here to change this.
Complete the form to connect with me. If you would like to walk your neighborhood, walk a parade or festival, display a yard sign, or host a Meet 'N Greet, fill out the form below. To send a donation, please make check payable to Riddell for Commissioner to 4250 Vilamoura Drive, Avon, OH 44011 in any amount you are able to give.